Triad announces newly developed VS360 with Grayloc® Connectors.
The Triad Series VS360 with Grayloc® connectors are 6000 PSI rated ball valves. These Grayloc Valves are specially designed to be lighter and have stronger connectors than the standard flange connectors. The Grayloc® connector with its metal-to-metal bore seal technology provides comparable strength and seal integrity of a welded joint with the added versatility of a mechanical joint. The Grayloc® connectors have applications in industries such as Oil and Gas, Marine and Aerospace. To ease assembly and disassembly in confined spaces with minimal clearance, the clamp is capable of being rotated 360° around the hub to orient the bolts. The valves are manufactured in the U.S. in an API and ISO audited manufacturing facility.
More information about these ball valves are located here series-vs-360-ball-valve-w_grayloc-connectors
Triad manufactures high quality high pressure ball valves, cryogenic ball valves, metal seated ball valves, flanged ball valves, industrial butterfly valves, high performance butterfly valves, control valves and custom valves to meet your specifications.